Thursday, November 18, 2010


Would that be keeling over from chest pain while at work in an office that specializes in cardiology?

Not sure what's going on...guess it's time to find a primary doctor in this town.


  1. uhm... yeah... probably a good idea to get a primary care doctor in your town - keeping over with chest pain is usually not a good thing..

    (((hugssssss))) to you my friend.. Please take care of yourself - you're too special to so many not to.. It could be stress, or a pulled muscle, or something much more serious - it is always best to check these things out to be sure..

    Keep us posted, we're ALL behind you...

  2. I meant to say "KEELING over with...." - damn fingers!

  3. Oh dear, hope that everything is ok, get yourself to the Dr asap!

  4. yikes i hope everything is ok!

  5. Oh my! Hope you find out soon what's wrong. Keep us posted.

  6. Eep! Definitely keep us posted! At least working in that environment you know what to look for and probably have good motivation to get tested. Keep us posted!
